Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Where I Landed, Day 2

This is memorable. I was supposed to push forward to Ratzman Access in
Jersey, but I spent too much time at the library using the Internet
and such. It was 90 degrees today, and subconciously I new I needed a
break, even if it meant pushing until dusk. Round about Harmony, in
Jersey, I knew that I wasn't going to make it to my destination. I was
exhausted, thanks in particular to a seemingly neverending uphill
climb. It had to be a mile long, and steep--I may be exagerating, but
can't I this once?

I searched my map for a "green spot," meaning public park space. I
found some, but right in the middle of some houses. There was a big
hill going down to the Delaware River. You had to see this place.
Right on the river. Gorgeous... and too good to be true. A man by the
name of Randy informed me that where I stood was American holy ground.
In other words, private property.

He told me to gather my things and push up the road or he'd be calling
America's defenders of holy ground, the police. I guess he felt bad. I
must have looked terrible. I wouldn't know though, I found my mirror
broken this morning. He turned around and told me that the property
belonged to his father in-law, and if I were to ask him to stay the
night he'd be alright with it. I did, went up and asked the old man.

After him and his family got done laughing about my predicament they
told me I could make a fire and go for a swim. The wood was in a rock
bound fire pit, and the river, like I already said, was right in front
of me. I went for a swim, naked as a peeled banana, then I set up to
eat some food.

Started a fire, assisted by gasoline I purchased for my liquid fuel
stove. Fired up the liquid fuel stove, which I just learned to operate
this morning. Ate some tuna fish and peas and carrots. All canned. May
not sound tempting to you home bodies, but after the day I had and the
setting I was in, it tasted like Mom's tacos (sorry, inside thing). I
drank hot tea and let the fire die. And I listened to the water roll
by. And my last thought before I lay to sleep was how I might pay it
forward to a wanderer in need.

Datum: World Geodetic System 1984,
Latitude: 40° 47' 24.2726" N, Longitude: 75° 10' 59.8157" W,
MGRS: 18T VL 84537 15470,
UTM: 18T 0484537 4515470,-75.183282

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

Nichole said...

Go Matt Go!! We love you and we're praying for you. Keep the posts coming...I'm so intrigued...