Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 2, 90 Degrees in Easton

OMG, I just want today's ride to be over. It's hot as hell and I think none of the good thoughts I thought yesterday. My head hurts, my body aches, and I still have 14 miles to go. The hills are what weary a body. Add the temperature and you have a recipe for someone happy he's sitting in an air conditioned library. I will try to get some kind of legitimate post...

Easton is an historic city. On the way up I found a closed bar, but a gentleman, Glen, who lived next to the bar was kindly and chatted me up. I discovered that Easton was one of the original cities of the U.S. and that George Washington drank a beer in a local pub. I believe it was called the George Washington Pub, but my memory could be doing me disservice. Now the city basically looks like every other city, a combination of well off and poor, which in this case appears to be a combination of blacks and whites. I am worried about my bike and trailer sitting outside and so I check on it every so often.

I wish I had more time to talk about Glen but I don't. I'll say that he's had two strokes, was born in Newark, raised in Carney, worked as a shop steward in Brooklyn, and once punched a guy in the nose for punching him in the shoulder. There is so much more that I could write. Glen was what motor mouths would call a talker. He also gave me a beer seeing that the bar was closed when I got there and for that I am much obliged.

I'm going to try to deposit a check from Cablevision (they actually returned money to me) and get some fruit before I take off for the last 14 miles before Ratzman Access. I'm not even sure how to access the Access but I'll leave it up to good 'ole Providence and be on my way. How could someone do this before GPS?

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