Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mom, Don't Listen to Me

Just a thought; I could generate my own power while living in the woods. Who knows if I'll actually ever do this. But perhaps if I can modify the plans for this bike powered generator, and make the generator light enough, I can have mobile electricity production. The bike-power would have to be foldable, or something. I don't know. It's definitely worth investigation. Why is it that whatever crazy idea I have, someone else has already had it? Not only that, but they also implemented it to some degree.

But I digress; I shouldn't be complaining. These like-minded thinkers, not to say forward, have paved a way for me to try some things out. I hope I find opportunity. This project in particular seems very cool. If I could maintain a laptop self sufficiently, that would be amazing. The last cog in the connectivity puzzle would be to have internet connectivity wherever I go. This should not be difficult if I live near a city. I still need to think of some way to generate a minimum of finances to support minor expenses (internet, food, repair, gifts). A project like this shouldn't have me excited, but in the crazy world we live in, it appears I can nearly have it both ways. Via internet, I can remain connected to people, while at the same time owning a minimalistic existence. This existence may prove undesirable within a short time-frame. I still want to try.

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