It's not perfect but I've finally come up with a way to post from iPhone via my computer. Briefly I'll explain. In the woods I won't have an internet connection, unless there are some unwilling, unknowing wireless Samaritans. Since I can't depend on that I had to devise a way of sending text to my blog site. Yes, I could write a message on my iPhone, but the thought of my thumbs churning out an intelligible, well thought out blog makes me wonder how video gamers can do it. What I do instead, and this comes after much research--though you might think that coming to this solution quite obvious--is to use Outlook to write my blogs.
This enables me to use a big boy keyboard, where ten digits can be used for key depressions as opposed to two big oafy fingers. I then sync the iPhone with my Outlook using iTunes. I didn't think of this earlier because I was thinking the solution would come from a different angle. It didn't. Now I do this. Why I can't drag and drop a text file over to my iPhone is to me like an itch I can't reach when all I have to think about is the itch. I still have the itch, and the iPhone.
The following is a bit of html code (tags?) that enables me to pretty up the text after it goes from Outlook, to the iPhone, through email to my blog site. I shall keep it here to commemorate this waste of time (and because I have to use it every time I post, so I'll just copy and paste it from this blog). Good day, good people.
<div></div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: 13px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.296875); -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(175, 192, 227, 0.230469); -webkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(77, 128, 180, 0.230469); border-collapse: collapse; font-family: arial; ">
(don't forget to close the <div> and <span> tags) = </div> & </span>
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