Thursday, May 13, 2010

G Train iPhone Heist

A facebook post I left for a friend:

"Dean, I haven't left yet. I've been delayed by cold weather and
seeing family and friends. The only good story I have for you was this:

On my way to see a friend I discovered that the MTA had shut down the
G-train for the weekend. No big deal, I'll take the shuttle. The
shuttle, somehow, is filled with seedier characters than the train and
my phone was promptly stolen while I was on the shuttle. Oh, did I
mention that the phone was in my hand when it was stolen? Well, it was.

I was awakened to action by the, "Oh shit!" chorus from the witnesses,
and I chased this guy off the bus. He was younger, he was faster, he
may have even had better hair, but he lacked detrmination. I chased
that man down like a starving cheetah. After three blocks, hurdled
snow mounds, and a near this-is-bullshit aneurysm the young man
tripped and fell.

While he lay on the ground, helpless and plaintively I wanted to kick
his core body region, goodfellas style. But being the bigger man, both
literally and figuritively, I told him, "give me my fucking phone and
I won't kick your ass." The end of the story should be me walking away
amidst imagined angels singing, "halelujah." Instead, I get the guy's
sister chasing me down the street with a cane in her hand (you know
I'm in the hood).

I catch one of her cane swings to my head and assure her that her brother
is fine and that he stole my phone (and "what planet are you from,
lady?") She let up, and I walked down the street back to where I came
from. What a world, what a world. The moral of the story is that if
something is in your hand, it's up for grabs."

Sent from my iPhone

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