Sunday, March 11, 2012

Grief and Joy

Jessie lost her mom. Most days this isn't a reality that stares us in the face, because we're in Brooklyn and Jessie's family is in New Jersey. But she wants to take care of her father and that means that she has to go home to Jersey every few weeks (we've been saying every other week). When she comes back from New Jersey she's changed. Her mother's death is present with her. Barrenness, and death, and brokenness are with her. I keep asking myself if her family is grieving or if they can't allow themselves to live without Patricia Preston. I shouldn't ask such a question as it's probably just grief. 

How much we don't celebrate lift, though. We grieve when a precious life is gone, but how often do we allow for joy? These two are opposites. I think Jess knows that she can't allow herself to feel one without feeling the other; that would be unbalanced. It's easy to tilt the scales towards the negativity side of things when there's a death, though. So, I don't blame anyone for their misery. I consider that I may have my own misery sometime soon and that I need to tend to preventing some of my own grief, and to contributing to their joy. 

Have an inspired day all. Fill the lives of others and live your joy. 

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